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Our Purpose

General Information


The CSGA is a not-for-profit organization that has been active since 1983 and has been meeting at its current location since 2008.  Our gaming emphasis is currently Historical and includes both miniatures games and board games. 


We welcome visitors and encourage you to come down and see what historical gaming is about in our club.


Club dues are $5.00 per year and are only collected when you decide to join the club after your first three game nights.


Club Officers


President:  Andy Oertig II


Vice President:  Cal Pearson


Secretary/Treasurer:  Xxxxx Xxxxx


CSGA officers are elected to one-year terms of office. 

The officer election is held each December during our end-of-year business meeting.

The purpose of the Colorado Springs Gamers Association (CSGA) is to promote the use of historical games as an educational tool for the study of military history. A secondary purpose of the organization is to provide a place for members to gather on a regular basis to play and discuss games and military history in an atmosphere of mutual respect and civility.
CSGA seeks to educate the public in the subject of military history by presenting demonstration games using historical miniature gaming systems and figures and historical board games at various local venues. CSGA also seeks to promote and sustain gaming with an historical emphasis in the Colorado Springs area. While historical gaming is emphasized, members are free to play whatever games they wish at meetings. The emphasis on historical simulations serves to protect CSGA as a venue for historical gaming. This is important because non-historical gaming is traditionally sustained by a larger population of active gamers and a greater number of gaming venues. CSGA is committed to providing community for gamers interested in historical simulations, space to play those kinds of games and education to the public about military history and historical gaming.



Meeting Time & Location


The CSGA meets every Saturday at 5:00 PM (sometimes a bit earlier, sometimes a bit later) in the Community Room in the Falcon Division Police Station in Colorado Springs, CO. 


The Falcon Division Police Station is located at 7850 Goddard Street.

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