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Types of Games We Play

The gaming interests among CSGA members is quite varied.   From back into antiquity to far into the future range the games played at our club.  Each Saturday night  a wide variety of historical games, along with fantasy and science fiction, will be found being played at the club.  Below is list of the most common gaming genres played by CSGA members.

Ancients / Medieval


Ancients and Medieval war gaming has developed a good following at the club over a number of years now. Some of our members have built armies for Warhammer Ancient Battles and there has been a lot of interest in DBA.


A number of DBA tournaments have been held at the local Colorado gaming conventions which has spurred much interest in the game. In 2012, a DBA tournament between CSGA and the Colorado Military Historians (CMH) gaming group up in Denver began.


The annual DBA Smackdown has been a great success with a lot of support from each club. A traveling championship plaque is awarded to the winning club each year.

Air Combat


Blue Max (an out of print GDW design) was the original air combat game to which a number of current games around the country owe their inspiration. An Italian design for World War I combat called Clash of Eagles was introduced to our club by Larry Neal, who then expanded  the rules to include planes and tactics used in World War II Europe.  Larry calls his WWII rules DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross).


Larry has also developed charts and rules for air combat in the Korean War with Sabres and Migs, called Mig Alley. The models used in these games range from 1:100 scale (15mm) to 1:72 scale with the planes being mounted on telescoping car antenna rods mounted on large hexagon bases.



CSGA has been gaming Napoleonics in miniature for an extended period. The Napoleon's Battles (NB) rules set by Craig Taylor and Bob Coggins was first introduced to the club by club member Dick Fickes many years ago, and like most clubs, we have established our own house rules modifications (as example, we require "pin by contact" rather than the 1" rule).


We also have evolved a tournament system (not so jokingly called the "Never Ending War" (NEW) by Luis, the Crazy Cuban,) that provides semi-weekly play with a handicap system and troop increases as rewards for competition.


CSGA member Lamont Anderson has developed rules for playing Napoleon's Battles on a hex map.  In 2015 he hosted a replay of the Battle of Waterloo to mark its 200th anniversary.


Possibly some of us are a bit obsessed with this game system?

World War II


The greatest conflict in the history of mankind has born great interest in the gaming the conflict by CSGA members. 


The favorite World War II game played here is WFG's Frontline, a 1:1 skirmish level game that is usually hosted by Walt Williams (the game designer) and a number of other CSGA members, using 28mm and 54mm figures.  Battles from central Europe and the sands of North Africa to the steppes of the Soviet Union and islands of the Pacific have been depicted using Walt's rules.


Two other very popular World War II miniature games at the club are Flames of War (FoW) and Bolt Action. A number of players have or are building companies for these two games. 


Club members Lamont Anderson, Luis Nunez, Peter Hope, and Robert Scholtz have ran FoW and Bolt Action games covering all theaters of the war.

18th-19th Century Colonial


Warfare during the 18th and 19th centuries is a gaming favorite with many CSGA members.

Games covering battles from the Seven Years War, French and Indian War, the American Revolution and War of 1812 up to and including the colonial wars of Britain and France in Africa and the Far East have been played. 


Some of the more popular rules to play these games include Muskets and Tomahawks, The Sword and the Flame, and The Men Who Would Be Kings.  The small skirmish battles that occurred during this time period are popular due to fewer number of figures needed to game these battles. 

Science Fiction / Fantasy


In addition to historical miniature gaming, there is a lot of interest within the CSGA in futuristic Science Fiction, and Fantasy gaming. A number of members are involved in Battletech and other gaming systems and it is quite common to see futuristic and sci-fi games being run throughout the year.

One of our members has completed working on a number of Battlestar Galactica (BSG) miniatures for use with a modified version of the Full Thrust gaming system. The game has been well received and Luis' colonial and Cylon miniatures are quite breathtaking.

Other Sci-Fi gaming systems of interest in our club include Battletech and Steve Jackson's Ogre Miniatures. There have been a number of Battletech battles in the past and more will surely take place in the future. Ogre Miniatures is classic game system from the early 1990s that still has a following here at the CSGA.

Also popular are a number of different Star Trek based games including Federation Commander and Call to Arms: Star Fleet. The Star Trek universe with its wide variety of well-known alien races makes it very popular amongst club members.

And recently All Quiet on the Martian Front and Star Wars: X-Wing have made appearances at the club. Both games have been played quite often at the club and have been enjoyed by everyone who have played them.

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