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Saturday Game Night Recap

The featured game at the club was put on by Paul Pease using his miniatures conversion of Advanced Squad Leader. The scenario was based during the opening days of the Battle of the Bulge. The Germans are driving hard and are trying to penetrate the front lines and break into the rear areas, while the Americans are trying to buy time to allow reinforcements to reach the Ardennes. Can the German SS Panzers break through the American lines and not get cut off like Piper did?

Eight players took part, half playing the Germans and half playing the American defenders. The miniatures and terrain are Paul's 72nd scale miniatures he's used for various games. This game was set over six tables with the Germans entering the board at one end with the objective of reaching the other end with the least amount of casualties so they can continue their advance. The Americans, in fixed positions, had to try to slow the German advance the best they could while waiting for reinforcements to arrive and start a counter attack. The game was relatively fast-paced with the Germans cutting through the American defense. Paul's adaptation of the board game Advanced Squad Leader works quite well allowing our members play a classic board wargame using miniatures.

In addtion to Paul's game, a few other games were played Saturday night. Jeff Scott and his brother brought a number of different board wargames to the club and Doug Rains and Robert Scholtz did a practice Big Battle DBA (BBDBA) game for the upcoming tournament at Genghiscon next weekend. Below are a few pictures of the BBDBA game.

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