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Saturday Night Game Recap - Napoleonics, 19th Century Colonial, and Pod Racing

This weekend's game night saw a large crowd of players participating in three games. The games played were put on by Paul Pease, Dan Gurule and Ron Adams with two historical setting games and a sci-fi game set in the Star Wars universe. Paul Pease hosted a hex-based varient of Napoleon's Battles and eight players participated. Paul's game was a play-test of his latest modifications to the hex-based rules Lamont Anderson and Paul Pease have developed over the past couple of years. The introduction of a hex-based map allows for faster play, which has been one of the major drawbacks of the popular Napoleon's Battles rules. The night's game pitted two four-player teams against each other giving Paul ample opportunity to test his lasted rules changes.

Dan Gurule from a neighboring gaming club up in Denver hosted a 19th century British colonial game set in Sudan. The game used parts of two different rules sets, Ospresy's The Men Who Would be Kings and The Sword and the Flame. The game's scenario had a British force attempting to capture native positions along a portion of the Nile River in the southern Sudan. The British attack was a join land and navel assault on a Sudanese mud fort along the river while Sudanese natives attempted to hold their positions while mounting a counter attack. Eight players took part which saw early British successes on the land eventually being nullified by native successes on the river. The land portion of the game used The Men Who Would be Kings rules while the naval portion of the game used modified The Sword and the Flames rules developed by Dan Gurule. The was well fought using excellently painted troops, great looking terrain, and hand-built British and native river boats made by Dan.

For our sci-fi fans in the club, Ron Adams put on his Star Wars inspired Pod Racing game. Based on the race from the movie Star Wars: The Phamton Menance Ron's game allows players drive their own pod racers on a race track based on the movie. The game is very popular with a lot of our younger club members

and a total of eight players took part Saturday night.

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