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Summer Game Day / Smackdown 7

Saturday, June 24th, was the club’s Summer Game Day for CSGA members and guests, plus the seventh annual CSGA/CMH DBx Smackdown event. Starting at 9 AM, some nine games over three gaming periods were scheduled. The morning session was headlined by Walt Williams putting on a WFG game and Dam Brewer hosting a sci-fi post-apocalyptic road race game called Road Rage. Walt’s WFG game was set during the D-Day landings of June 1944 with the Americans attempting to capture a French village occupied by the Germans. Dan’s game is based on the Nuclear Renaissance game system by Ramshackle Games. Each player ran a small gang of four survivors equipped with a car, truck or buggy and one motorcycle. The game was played on a specially built game table put together by Dan and his brother Dave.

At 12 noon, the annual DBx Smackdown event between the Colorado Military Historians (CMH) club of Denver and the CSGA began with six games being played. Four of the matches played covered each of the four historical periods covered in the DBA rules along with a Big Battle DBA match and a Hordes of the Things (HOTT) match. This year’s event would be decided by the total number of matches won by each side. Six matches were scheduled this day with the last match scheduled to occur two weeks later due to a scheduling conflict for one of the CMH players. The event saw a lot of action with each team winning two of the four historical period matches, while the Big Battle DBA match being won by the CSGA player and the HOTT match being won by the CMH player. That left the deciding match to be played in two weeks prolonging the suspense for this year’s smackdown. Team Captain Doug Rains thanked all the CSGA players for the efforts and expressed confidence in CSGA’s chances of winning the smackdown in two weeks. One of our best players was scheduled to play in the final match and Doug has tremendous confidence in that player’s ability to win.

During the afternoon session, while the DBx tournament was under way, three more Game Day games were put on for CSGA members and guests. Paul Pease and Dick FIckes put a large Napoleon’s Battles game using Lamont Anderson’s modified rules using hex-based movement, which Paul has been updating over the past few months. The scenario played was the Battle of Ligny, which was fought June 15th, 1815. The game had the French, commanded by Napoleon, attempting to defeat the Prussian Army under Blucher before Wellington could intervene. Some eight players took part in the game that lasted throughout the afternoon and evening gaming sessions. Also played was a pre-dreadnaught era naval game put on by Henry Eggleston using 1200 scale models and sci-fi zombie game put on by Peter Hope. Henry’s game was a replay of the Battle of Manila Bay between the US Navy and Spanish Navy that was fought in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. Peter’s Game used the Walking Dead rules and the scenario had a small group of humans scouting an abandoned Red Cross convoy for food and medicine. Could the humans find and gather vital supplies before the undead find them?

The evening session saw two more games being played, plus the completion of Paul’s Napoleon’s Battle game. Greg Elliot put on “The Age of Reason… and the Undead” and Dick Fickes put a Giant Battle DBA game. Greg’s game used a highly modified version of The Sword and the Flame colonial ruleset. The game was set during the late 18th century and had a small force of humans attempting to secure an ancient relic hidden in a Russian graveyard, that is hoped to be able to end the zombie plague that threatens all mankind. Dick’s game had Late Imperial Romans battling the Blemmyes, who in about 1400 years-time would be referred to as the "Fuzzy Wuzzies" of southern Egypt and the Sudan. The scenario had the Romans attempting to capture the Blemmyes’ baggage train, and thus preventing them from invading ancient Egypt.

In addition to a day’s worth of gaming, the club had a swap table for members to sell or trade games and miniatures and a book sale supporting the Friends of the Fountain Community Library. Food and refreshments were provided by the club to those attending the game day. Some 42 CSGA members and guests stopped in and participated throughout the day. CSGA President Andy Oertig thought the event was a great success and expressed his thanks to all the members who put on games.

Below are pictures of the different games put on throughout the day.

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