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CSGA Wins Smackdown 7

Doug Rains, ImPotentate for DBX Affairs, announced the following...

"Wahoo! I am pleased to report that in the DBR match held today, the Honorable Dick Fickes and his Polish army vanquished the Swedes of Pat Harvey. This of course means that CSGA is the victor in Smackdown 7 by a score of 4 matches won to 3 for CMH.

No doubt the tradition will continue and the new plaque will contain only CSGA medallions.

Doug Rains

ImPotentate for DBX Affairs, CSGA"

Congratulations to all the CSGA members who participated in this year's smackdown. Our victory could not have been achieved without your participation in the event. Thank you!

Smackdown 8 will be hosted by the Colorado Military Historians next summer up in Denver.

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