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Saturday Game Night Recap - Command and Colors Napoleonics

The main event at the club this weekend was a Command and Colors: Napoleonics game put on by Ed Strecker and Lamont Anderson. Command and Colors: Napoleonics is a table-top board game using wooden blocks to represent the different units in game. Ed and Lamont have been modifying the rules to allow players to use 28mm miniatures to represent the units instead of the blocks. Using 28mm miniatures really add to feel of the game and make the games lovely to watch. Four players took part in the game, which featured Russian force battling a French force. In addition to using the standard rules of the game, Ed and Lamont have incorporated a number of features from the game Napoleon's Battles. The biggest addition is the use of response rolls to see if infantry units can form square when threatened by cavalry. Also brought over was the ability to allow players to place cavalry units on "react" status, which would allow them to make a reaction move when an opposing cavalry unit attempted to charge. The addition of these modifications have so far been well received.

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