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2017 CSGA End-of-Year Business Meeting and Game Night Recap

The CSGA held its 2017 End-of-Year business meeting at the club this past Saturday night. Twenty-eight members attended the meeting where the CSGA officers gave their officer reports and plans for 2018 were discussed. President Andy led off the meeting by giving a recap of club activities that occurred since the end of the 2016 business meeting: The club held three Game Days, donated money to a local library system, and collected dues from 40 members for 2017. Once the officer reports were completed the club discussed how many Game Days should be held in 2018; how much money should be spent to provide food at the Game Days; and, whether to give honorary memberships to six deserving people who have contributed to the CSGA over the past few years.

Upon completion of the business meeting a number of games were put on for club members to play. Included was the World War I aerial game Canvas Eagles, plus a number of different historical and fantasy board games including Avalon Hill's Gettysburg. Below are a few pictures of the games that were played after the business meeting.

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