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Saturday Night Game Recap - WFG and Lion Rampant

Another two-game night at the club this past Saturday at the Falcon Division police station in Colorado Springs. Walt Williams put on a WFG 2.0 Almost Written scenario and Luis Nunez put on a game of Lion Rampant. Walt's game was set on the Western Front of World War II and had US and German infantry trying to seize a small French village shortly after the D-Day landings. The objective town is vital to both sides and both the Americans and German need to capture the town at any cost! Walt has been using small maps to force the action sooner in the game, which has helped raise the game's intensity. An added feature has been that games tend to finish faster as there is less maneuvering needed to get the opposing forces into the battle.

The other game of the evening was Lion Rampant, which was put on by Luiz Nunez. The objective of the game was for an invading Viking force to capture several objective points scattered around the game map. Skirmish games like Lion Rampart have become more popular in the club. One of the reasons being that fewer figures are needed to play and game meaning members can start playing a game without making large initial investments in miniatures before starting to play.

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