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Saturday Game Night - Three games played

Three games were put on at the club this past Saturday night, two miniatures games and one board game. The two miniatures games were WFG 2.0 Almost Written, which was put on by Joe Muise, and a Weird War2/Pulp Fiction game hosted by Dave Brewer. The board game was Zombicide Black Plague, which was put on by Dave Clapper. Joe Muise's WFG game was set in the Pacific Theater during World War II. In the game US Marines had to capture a Japanese controlled village on a remote Pacific island. Seven players took part in the game.

Dave Brewer's Weird War 2/Pulp Fiction game was set after the end of World War II. The scenario had a Russian force attacking the German sub-pens in New Swabian Antarctic in 1947. After capturing a "false-flagged" ship attempting to resupply the Nazi base, the Russians use it to enter the base and launch a sneak attack. Russian spies report the base was bused by badly injured Chancellor Hitler and top level officers, friends and scientists in route to Argentina. The Russians must chase down these jack-booted criminal dogs before they can escape. The game was designed for four players using a easy Bolt Action Based rule system.

Dave Clapper's game was a follow-on game from last week and included were all the expansions for the game.

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