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2018 DBA Smackdown Recap

On Sunday, 8 July, the annual CSGA-CMH DBA Smackdown event took place up in Denver. The 2018 event was hosted by the Colorado Military Historians club at the Baker Community Center in north Denver. The event started at high noon and occurred during the CMH monthly meeting. Below is a recap of the event by our CSGA DBA Smackdown coordinator Doug Rains:

Hello all,

After several days of drink and tears I am reminded of Arnold’s line in the first Conan movie. Something on the order of “We will crush you and hear the lamentations of your women!” With that said, cue that chorus of wailing women and I shall relate the outcome.

To start with HOTT, Brian Cummings was to face Joel Tompkins who did not show at the event. To be played at a later time.

In DBA, Brent Sustaita faced Jim Rairdon and was victorious, Roy Hayes fell to Richard Kasten, Luis Nunez was defeated by Seth Iniguez and finally, Rob Scholtz decided to share the wealth with Brian Cummings and each played one game against the redoubtable Greg Rold and each fell in turn.

In BBDBA, Doug Mudd and Art Hayes defeated Terry Shockey and Pat Harvey, sacked Troy and did unspeakably things to the captured citizens and probably Helen.

In DBMM2, Dick Fickes gallantly fell to General Brown.

In DBN, Doug Rains’ Prussians were not unexpectedly defeated by Nate Forte and the French. This game was finally called due to exhaustion of both players.

So the total for Smackdown 8 was CMH 5 to CSGA 2. The HOTT is left to play but makes no difference to the final so is kind of pointless. CMH are the victors and will have temporary custody of the Plaque.

Along with the Plaque there are a couple of other lesser known awards familiar to Smackdown players that need to be announced.

First is the dreaded Pink Die for the player treated most unfairly by the dice gods which was awarded to Dick Fickes. Dick has already received his award.

Second is the Dreadful Raven of Doom awarded to the player who sustained the most casualties to his own forces over the course of the event. This is a temporary award to be passed on the first available chance or at least at the next Smackdown. I am pleased to announce that by unanimous acclimation that the Dreaded Raven of Doom was awarded to Brian Cummings who mind boggling enough, managed to lose 10 stands in one DBA game. Since he only had 12 to start with this is quite an accomplishment. Brian has not received the Raven yet but I will be glad to present it to him at the next available game day.

Doug Rains

Below are pictures of the event.

ImPotentate for DBX Affairs, CSGA

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