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Saturday Night Game Recap - C&C for WotR and a Nappies Game

Two miniatures games were the highlights at the club this weekend. Ed Strecker and Paul Pease each put on a historical game, one set during the War of the Roses and the other was a Napoleonic era game. Ed's game used a set of home-grown rules for fighting War of the Roses (WotR) battles based on the popular Command and Colors rules system. Ed has been developing these rules as a replacement for the Hordes of the Things rules the club has been using for its ongoing War of the Roses campaign. The game was a test-run of the rules so Ed could tweak them to ensure the rules were balanced. Four players took part in the play-test and several suggestions were made to improve the rules. Once Ed has a chance to edit his rules he will be putting on another test game to see effects of the changes.

Paul's game was a Napoleonic battle using a modified version of the Napoleon's Battles rules. Several club members have been working on the rules that incorporate the use of 15mm and 28mm figures on a hex-map. The game had a French Corps battling against a Russian Corps somewhere in eastern Europe. Several players participated and the game lasted throughout the evening.

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