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Saturday Night Game Recap - C&C Ancients and Blood & Plunder

Games set during antiquity and late 17th century took center stage at the club last night. Dave Clapper brought in Command and Colors: Ancients and Peter Hope put on a Blood and Plunder pirate game. Several Command and Colors games have been played at the club lately and Dave's game is the latest version of this rules system to be played here. Dave put on three one-on-one games, which allowed four club members to try our the rules. Dave provided the rules, miniatures, and a play mat for interested players to use. The Command and Colors rules system is designed for use with wooden blocks to represent the units, but with the abundance of 15mm and 28mm miniatures in the club, the game has been modified for their use.

Peter brought in his Blood and Plunder figures and terrain and set up three one-on-one games to be played simultaneously on an enlarged playing mat. Peter selected on scenario from the rulebook and each pair of players played with 130 point armies. The night's game was a land only game as he is still working on his ships. Participants were allowed to provide their own force using their own miniatures. All three games played well allowing club members of different experience with the rules to play.


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