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Saturday Night Game Recap - World War I aerial combat

The big game of the evening was put on by CSGA President Andy Oertig. Played was the World War I aerial combat game Canvas Eagles and pitted pilots from Germany against British pilots along the Western Front. The scenario was set as follows:

"It is Spring 1918 & the Great War has been raging almost 4 years.... With the Allied blockage starving the German people, General Ludendorff will made a desperate gamble to end the War before the overwhelming human and materiel resources of the United States could be fully deployed in force on the Western Front! The German Jasta will be a mixed bag of Fokker Dr. 1’s, Albatross D V’s and old dilapidated Pfalz D III’s. The Allies will be flying British SE-5A's. "

Canvas Eagle, also call Blue Max, is well liked at the club and is played repeatedly throughout the year. Normally between six and eight players take part flying the different fighter players that took part during the Great War that lasted from August 1914 to November 1918. Whenever a game is announced there are always hearty soles who are willing to do battle over fields of France for supremacy of the skies!

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