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CSGA 2018 Fall Game Day Recap

On Saturday, 27 October, the 2018 CSGA Fall Game Day was held at the Falcon Division Police Station in Colorado Springs. This was the last game day scheduled for the year and 27 players and guests attended the event. The day started early in the morning with Paul Pease putting on a hex-based Napoleon's Battles game depicting the battle of Borodino fought between Napoleon's Grand Armee against the Russians in 1812. Napoleon's Battles has always been one of the most played games at the CSGA so it was most fitting that this game should start off the day's activities.

Eight games were put on through out the day divided between three playing sessions. Paul's Napoleon's Battles game actually was played through two gaming sessions making the longest game played at the event. Each gaming period had at least two large game being played along with a game swap table and a book sale put on by the Friends of the Pikes Peak library system. Along with the games, food was provided by the club for all to enjoy with a big spread coming from Grinders sandwich shop here in Colorado Springs.

The day began with Paul's Napoleon's Battles game and a home grown Victorian era science fiction game put on by Dave Brewer. Dave's game of Aerial Gunboat Diplomacy was set on Mars and had players flying various aerial gunships scratch built by Dave especially for this game. The air ships were 28mm in scale and each ship had a compliment of crewmen and marines to fly their ships and attack their adversaries. Dave's game drew from a number of different game systems, which made the game quite unique in how it played. Trying to fly one's ship while trying to out guess where other ships were going resulted in a lot of aerial maneuvering as everyone tried to place their ships in the most advantageous positions.

Paul's Napoleon's Battles game...

Dave's Sci-Fi game...

Between the morning and afternoon gaming sessions players had the opportunity to enjoy food provided by the CSGA as thanks for attending the event and browse the various books, magazines, and games available for purchase as part of the day-long book sale.

During the afternoon gaming session three games were put on in addition to the Napoleon's Battles game which was a continuation from the morning session. The games played were Form on the Admiral's Wake, a Napoleonic fleet battle game put on by Dave Clapper; Blood and Plunder, the popular pirate game that Brian Cummings put on for people unfamiliar with the game could try out; and, Zombicide Black Plague, a medieval dungeon crawl game put on by Jeffrey Scott.

During the evening session two games were featured. Walt Williams put on his club favorite WFG game and CSGA Vice President Cal Pearson put on a game of Fleet Commander Genesis.

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