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Saturday Night Game Recap - Another appearance of What a Tanker!

The Too Fat Lardies! game What a Tanker! made another appearance at the club this Saturday night. After last week's positive response to the game, Ed Strecker put on another scenario for 10 players. The night's scenario was set on the Eastern Front of World War II during the winter of 1942/43.

The setting was during the Soviet winter offensive where the Soviet 13th Army pushed hard against the German 18th Panzer Division. For this scenario the German players had to hold a line of small villages along a railroad line, while the Soviets tried to overrun the German's positions and exit the map behind the German line. The Germans had a mixed force of Panzer IVs and Stugs facing off against 14 Soviet T34/76 tanks. With the scenario set during the winter both sides faced limited mobility and visibility due to heavy snow. The game moved along quite quickly with the Soviet players learning that due to their limited visibility it was better to just rush the German lines without trying to take many shots. The number of acquisition dice needed by the Soviets to acquire a target made shooting a rare event for them throughout the game. The game ran for about three hours and at the end the Soviets were in position to move several tanks off the battlefield, which was their objective.

Thank you Ed for putting on another fun game for club members to play!

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