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Game Night Recap - A game based on the movie "Red Dawn"

Dave Brewer hosted one of his home grown sci-fi games last night based on the 1980s movie "Red Dawn". Using the rules from the game Bolt Action as his basis of his game, Dave put on a game that had central American communist forces attempting to capture Pueblo, Colorado. Defending the city was a group of US national guardsmen using a rag-tag force of cold war era tanks and helicopters, Four players participated in the game with two playing the communist forces and two playing the Americans. The game board's layout gave a lot of cover for each side to use while also restricting how each side advanced through the city.

At the beginning of the game the communist forces made good progress in their advance, but bottle-necks began to occur when roads became impassible due to destroyed vehicles on both sides. In the end, the communists were forced to retreat after their ground support helicopter was shot down giving the Americans air superiority over the city. The game was quite fun to play and hopefully Dave will run it again soon at the club.

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