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Game Night Recap - 2018 End of Year Business Meeting

The 2018 CSGA End of Year business meeting was held on Saturday, 8 December 2018. The annual meeting began at 5:30PM and was chaired by CSGA President Andy Oertig II. Andy briefly reviewed the club's activities since the 2017 business meeting and Secretary/Treasurer Robert Scholtz gave the Treasury and Membership reports. Club membership has remained steady over the past two years with no change to the total membership. After the club reports were completed, President Andy moved on the two topics on the evening's agenda. The first item was to decide on the number of game day events the club should hold in 2018. After much discussion, it was decided that three game days should be put on in 2018. The second agenda item was how may honorary club memberships should be given out for 2019. After being discussed, five honorary memberships were given out, plus a $200 gift was passed to be given to honorary member Xiomara Adams who has been experiencing a financial need during the holiday season.

Once the meeting was adjourned several games were put on by club members. Games included What a Tanker!; a football simulation game; a railroad building game; and, a card-based fantasy board game. Ed Strecker hosted the What a Tanker game using 1-72 scale tanks and terrain provided by Paul Pease. Several people played in each of the games put on after the meeting and all games were well received by those who played.

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