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Game Night Recap - A Sci-Fi horror game

The night's big game was a sci-fi horror game put on by CSGA member Dave Brewer. The game titled "Little table-top game of horrors" is a home grown game made up by Dave using some of the gaming features of Warlord Games' Bolt Action. Dave described the scenario as follows:

"The Audrie-2 has escaped into the sewer system and befriended by subterranean lizardmen. Cross germinated with Kudzoo, toxic-waste Audrie-2's have been unleashed upon the surface world to clear it of its filthy, smelly human inhabitants!"

The game involved groups of humans along with military quick reaction teams trying evacuate the city of civilians so it can be carpet bombed with napalm and weed-be-gone to wipe out the invaders. A big group of players took part with some playing the humans, while others played the attacking monsters. Another fun and lively sci-fi monster mash by Dave Brewer!

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