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January Game Night Recap

The remainder of January saw games being put on at the club each Saturday. On January 12th, Walt Williams put on another WFG 2.0 Almost Written scenario for seven players and Luis Nunez put on a game of Stargrunt II. Walt's game was set in China and had a force of Imperial Japanese attacking a Chinese city. Seven players took part in the game in which the goal was for the Japanese players to successfully fight their way into the city. Luis' game was a playtest of the Stargrunt II rules with are free to download from Ground Zero Games. Being a play-test, Luis hadn't finish painting all his miniatures for the game so cardboard chits were used to represent the figures of one side fighting in the game. Two players helped Luis test out the game.

On January 19th another two games were played at the club. Robert Scholtz put on a game of Forager which is a skirmish level game set during the Napoleonic wars. The game, by Stand To Games, is designed for very small units of less than 10 figures per side. Robert Scholtz and Ed Strecker did a play-test of the rules and both players thought the rules have a lot of potential. Skirmish games of the Napoleonic Wars are quite rare and this game can be used to depict skirmishes during the mid 18th century up to the mid 19th century without much, if any, modifications. Hopefully this game will be making more appearances at the club.

The second game of the night was put on by David Brewer and was a home-grown game by Dave that uses some of the elements of the World War 2 game Bolt Action. Dave's game was a fantasy game set on a remote Pacific island inhabited by all sorts of strange creatures including dinosaurs. The objective of the game was for a group of adventurers to rescue people stranded on the island while not being eaten by the indigenous animals or captured by the island natives.

The final weekend of the month saw another game of Forager being put on by Robert Scholtz and Ed Strecker. The game's scenario was set in 1812 and depicted a group of French soldiers trying to return to their unit while being chased by a group of Cossacks. Three players took part in the game with two playing the Cossacks and one playing the French.

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