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Mid-June Game Recap

The middle part of June saw three weekends of Walt's Favorite Game (WFG) 2.0 Almost Written being played at the club. The first weekend saw Walt putting on a D-Day scenario in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day landing that occurred earlier in the month. The scenario had an American force attempting to move off their beach-head and capture a German controlled town along the Normandy coast. As always, Walt had a very good turn-out of CSGA club members wanting to play his game. With the great interest in that weekend's game, Walt decided to put on another game the following weekend. Once again the game depicted a scenario during the D-Day landings and again he had a full table of players. With the success of both games, CSGA President Andy Oertig suggested Walt put on eastern front scenario in honor of the 78th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union at occurred in 1941. So, for a third week in a row, Walt hosted a WFG game for club, which was well-received by the players.

In addition to three weeks of WFG, Ed Strecker put on a Command and Colors: Napoleonics game on the 15th of June and Dave Clapper put on a fantasy strategy board game on the 22nd of June.

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