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Summer Game Day Recap

On Saturday the club held its Summer Game Day at the Falcon Division Police Station in Colorado Springs. Ten games were put on throughout the day for 41 club members and guests who stopped in to participate. In addition to the normal game day games, Saturday was the date for our annual CSGA/CMH DBA Smackdown tournament. Seven games were played as part of the event that ran from 12 noon to about 5 PM during the Game Day. The Smackdown pits players and teams from each wargaming club to see which club would claim the travelling Smackdown plaque.

Game day started with the morning gaming session that began at 9 AM with three scheduled. Include was a giant Blue Max World War I aerial combat game where the western Allies attempt to shoot down an attacking German Zeppelin. Over a dozen players took part in the game that lasted throughout the morning.

At 12 noon the DBA Smackdown event kicked off with seven games being played simultaneously. A game for each of the for eras covered in the rules were played along with a Big Battle DBA game and two Hordes of the Things (HOTT) games. All the games were close fought affairs, but at the end of the event the CSGA team was victorious as they won five of seven games that were played. The result was well received as it meant the travelling Smackdown plaque would once again reside with the CSGA. President Andy thanked event coordinator Doug Rains and all the members of the CSGA team for valiantly representing our club and winning the event.

While the tourney took place, the afternoon session of the Game Day also took place with another three games being put on. Included was a WFG 2.0 Almost Written game that was played on two separate tables. The scenario was set during World War II and the results on each table affected the outcome of the battle. Eight players took part on the two tables and the game was the highlight of the afternoon.

The evening session saw four games being played including a Command & Colors Napoleonics game put on by Ed Strecker and Lamont Anderson. Six players took part moving Ed’s beautifully painted Napoleonic 28mm figures. Also played were a sci-fi miniatures game and a sci-fi board game.

When the day came to an end, 41 club members and guests attended the event that included a wide variety of games, great food from Jersey Mike’s, and our game and miniature swap table. It is only by the willingness of club members to put on games that each game day put on by our club can be a success. Thank you to everyone who put on a game or who attended and played.

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