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Saturday Night Game Recap

Only two games were played Saturday night at the club. one miniatures game put on by Robert Scholtz and one board game put on by Bernie Santucci. The miniatures game was set during the French and Indian War using the Fistful of Lead ruleset "Horse & Musket." The game is put out by Wiley Games and is one of their series of Fistful of Lead games. It is designed as a quick set of tabletop wargame rules for skirmishes in the age of Black Powder. The rules can be learned within a couple of turns and still keep the flavor of the period. The game is a skirmish level game with players controlling small groups normally made up of between 3 to 6 figures. Player activation uses a normal deck of 52 playing cards and rank order of the cards determines the order of play. The scenario played was the first scenario in the rulebook depicting the attempt of some native Indians to capture a frontier family living in a remote homestead. Four player took part in the game with three players controlling the Indians and one player the frontier family, plus a group of four rangers staying at the farm. Game play went very quickly with everyone playing the game picking up the rules after only a few turns. When the game ended the players controlling the Indians were victorious as poor marksmanship by the rangers allowed the Indians to quickly overcome the defenders. This was the first play-test of the Horse & Musket rules and several club members have said they would be ordering the rules and the Galactic Heroes rules also put out by Wiley Games.

The board game played was a small unit World War II game for two players. The game simulated small team fighting between the Germans and Russian on the Eastern Front. Bernie was play-testing the game with club Vice President Cal Pearson and both players had good things to say about the game. With the club primarily being a miniatures club not too many board games are played, but base on their comments, similar small action board games may become more popular at the club.


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